Operating model & organization design
Our passion is to design great organizations
Digitally powered business models require organizations that can deliver better decision-making at the center and the edge. Today's organization models must deliver both agility and scale. An investment in organization design is as foundational as an investment in technology.
By the numbers
of executives believe their operating model is unable to continuously adapt to disruptive forces.
of executives see at least some risk to growth and performance if they don’t rethink their operating model.
The long-term EBITDA growth for truly agile organizations compared with 6% on average for non-agile organizations
What we think
Case studies
The Kates Kesler methodology
Our leaders
Paul Jeruchimowitz
Senior Managing Director Talent & Organization, Operating Model & Organizational Design, Global Lead
Greg Kesler
Senior Managing Director – Talent & Organization, Operating Model & Organizational Design
Amy Kates
Senior Managing Director – Talent & Organization, Operating Model & Organizational Design
Kent McMillan
Managing Director – Talent & Organization, Operating Model & Organizational Design
Cherene Powell
Managing Director Talent & Organization, Operating Model & Organizational Design, North America Lead
Sam Holmes
Managing Director – Talent & Organization, Operating Model & Organizational Design, EMEA Lead
Steve Giles
Managing Director – Talent & Organization, Operating Model & Organizational Design, Growth Markets Lead